Monday, 8 July 2013

More to come shortly - but for now....

All work and no play makes Webz a sad little spider. As soon as wrapped up my last part my...*shudder* job hired me for "full-time temporary", and now I get to put one item in a machine and press a button for 8 hours every day...

"I do not want to kill everyone
I do not want to kill everyone
I do want to kill everyone
I want to kill everyone
I want kill everyone
Kill everyone"

So yeah, anyways. More posts are going to be coming soon. Not like I need to justify myself, assholes.


Please enjoy a Webz Original. :D


Have you ever heard the theory among some scientists that the human mind only allows a person to see and do things that we humans have become conditioned to believe are possible? Some renowned minds believe that many things such as being able to phase through a solid object are only impossible because thats what we have told ourselves for thousands of years.

I always thought it would be interesting if the same theory could be applied to seeing paranormal things. Maybe we could be able to see ghosts, demons and other phantasmal beings if only we weren’t conditioned to believe that we can’t see such nonsense. However, children, especially imaginative children are not conditioned to such notions, at least not when they are very young, that is what I believe.

If you think about it, it could explain a lot. It could explain why babies spontaneously burst into tears, when nothing at all seems to be wrong, or why sometimes young children seem so distraught, and can’t seem to put their frustrations or fears into words, maybe simply because the words to describe what is happening do not exist. Think about imaginary friends. Did you have one? I did, they seemed so real to me, but I knew it couldn’t actually exist, I was starting to “grow up” at that time, but I was always an imaginative kid.

Or...maybe I’m trying to justify my experiences as a young child. Have you heard of “Night Terrors”? they are defined as nightmares that happen while you are awake, they are very common in young children. I used to have them all the time. Maybe I am just trying to justify meaningless haunting terrors of my mind by trying to believe that some part of it is real. I can’t help but feel this way, because although I had night terrors all the time, there is one, that I remember so vividly...let me tell you how I remember it.

In the house we were in at the time, my whole family slept on the second floor, there were three bedrooms. Right when you reach the top of the stairs, there were two bedrooms, my parent’s room to the right, and my brother’s room was directly across from the top of the stairs. To the left, halfway down the hallway, was the bathroom. And then, all the way at the end of the hall, that was my room. I had a bunk bed in my room, up until a year before this night, me and my brother had the same room. I always had the top bunk, I still slept in it even when he got his own room.

It was a pretty normal night, normal for me anyways. Usually when I had night terrors, I could deal with them. It would just be shadows moving around my room quickly, and sometimes I might catch a quick glimpse of it, little things like that. but after a little while, I noticed something. The shadows were all moving to the corner on on the other side of my room. They were...taking a form, or two forms I should say. when they were finally fully “constructed”, I couldn’t make out much. It was dark in my room, the only light coming from the hall light glowing through the bottom of my door. But as they got closer, I began to be able to make out more. 

There were two, very tall beings,
exactly the same height. They had virtually no features, as they were made out of shadows, except for their eyes. It sounds cliche, but their bodies were dark, but their eyes were absolutely pitch black.
When I noticed them, thats when they seemed to notice me, I wish now I had just fallen asleep and never saw them at all. They started coming closer to me, side by side. They slowly got closer and closer to my bed, as I was struck with a terror I still can’t describe, I couldn’t seem to move. As they got closer, I seemed to only be able to look into their eyes...and doing so filled me with a type of dread no one should feel, It is an emptiness that we aren’t capable of feeling.

They drew closer and closer until they were right next to my bed, their heads hanging over me, staring at me. They were superhumanly tall, they were able to lean over the barrier of the bunk bed and stared at me as I cowered against the wall. They stared for longer then I can remember, and it felt as if they were somehow...smiling, some sort of demonic smile. Then suddenly, they started laughing. No, not laughing, it was more like a cackle, A horrible, terrifying cackle. I started crying, which made them laugh even harder. after about thirty seconds of laughing, they stopped. They slowly turned around, and began to walk to the other side of my room; to my door.

One of them extended their ghastly arm, and opened the door. allowing light to pour into my room, however it didn’t illuminate the creatures, only outlined their spectral, shadowy form. They stared down the hallway, I couldn’t see what they were looking at. Then, one of them turned around and let out one final laugh and then they started sprinting down the hall, side by side. I watched as their gangly form dashed to the other side of the hallway, and then reached my parents room, one of them snuck through the opening in their door, as the other one turned around to meet my gaze. He looked at me with his horrible eyes as he too slipped into the darkness of my parents room, and out of my view.

Terrified, I couldn’t move. I was so scared, and felt drained of any hope, courage and happiness. I laid there in bed for a minute before an awful thought struck me. My brother! They might try to get my little brother after they were done whatever they were doing in my parents room. I scrounged up enough bravery to scurry down the ladder for my bunk bed and dash to my bedroom door. I peaked out to see if they were watching from my parents room, I didn’t see them, only darkness from beyond their door. I slowly began to tip toe across the hallway. The wood floor beneath me was very creaky and loud, I didn’t want to wake up my parents, or worse, attract...”their” attention.

As I tried my best to sneak past the washroom, my mind raced with all the awful horrors they could be silently inflicting on my parents. I managed to knock it out of my mind by focusing on my brothers room, moving forward, and nothing else. I HAD to save him from these...things. I reached his door, and peaked inside. He had a night light, and I could see him sleeping, safely. I had to wake him up though, I didn’t feel we were safe up stairs.

“Liam”, I whispered. “Hey! Liam! Are you awake?”, No response. I couldn’t make enough noise to wake him without entering his room, but I was afraid to leave the safety of the hallway light.

“Jake what are you doing!!” I heard a deep voice sternly speak. I nearly had a heart attack. It was my Dad. “Jake...why aren’t you in bed??”, he questioned me with confusion and frustration in his voice. From the angle I was now standing at, I could clearly see into my parents bedroom.

“I was just...I was- I forgot to tell Liam something”, I spat out, as I was analyzing my parents room. My Dad was propping himself up on his elbow and was staring at me. My eyes darted around the room, there was nothing. They were gone. I felt relieved, it was as if up until now I was going to die on this night, but now was spared from an awful fate, and could resume my life.

“Well, go back to bed, leave him alone, whatever it is, it can wait till the morning.”, He said sternly, I heard him mutter something under his bed as he laid back down.

“Yeah, you’re right.”, I smiled. “Goodnight dad, I love you.”

I felt silly, this was all just a crazy figment of my imagination. I realized how heavy my eyes were, and how tired I was. What time was it? How long have I been too terrified to even blink for? I was going back to bed, I had school in the morning, and wanted nothing more than to sleep for a year. Still smiling, I rubbed my eyes as I turned around. When I opened them, the smile disappeared. My stomach sank.

They were in my room, in front of my bed. They were in my fucking room! STARING AT ME.
I felt hopeless, I broke down. Started balling and screaming. I didn’t know what else to do. They stared at me with their pitch black eyes while I screamed in terror.

“Oh, for Christ’s sake!”, My dad shouted. He stomped out of bed, and into the hallway. He picked me up and began to carry me back to my room. As we quickly approached my room, I was screamed louder as tears flowed down my cheeks. I couldn’t escape my fathers grasp, I tried, as they creatures gazed while I was being carried back to my bed, but it felt like my grave.

My father obviously couldn’t see them, he walked right passed them as he stomped through my room and planted me back in my bed. Still screeching, he tried to comfort me. He knew of my night terrors, so he tried to be understanding, although didn’t understand at all.

“I don’t know what you are seeing, but trust me, nothing is in here, and nothing can hurt you, I promise.” he said sympathetically as he looked into my welled up eyes. I could see them watching, standing right behind my father. “Its all just make-belief, not

real...try to get some sleep, I love you.”, He kissed my head as I was still sobbing gently. “Goodnight.” He turned around, and left the room closing the door behind him. I couldn’t see, because my eyes weren’t adjusted to the dark room anymore. But I knew they were still there, I could see their eyes clearly. They were darker than everything else, pitch black, nothingness. I could see them, and they came closer, until they were the same length away from me as before. As my eyes adjusted, my vision returned. They were staring at me again. but this time was different. They...weren’t smiling. They were angry, or disappointed. There was no smiling, no cackling this time. Just a deep disappointment.

I don’t remember anything else from that night, my memory ends with their eyes, furiously glaring at me. I guess I must have just passed out from exhaustion eventually. It was hours at least before that happened though. The next day was fine. Everything was normal, except for me. The next night, I left the door open to illuminate my room, I couldn’t sleep in darkness anymore.

So you see, I can’t help but feel that at least a small part of that night was real. Now that I know some scientists believe we only see what we believe exists in the realm of possibilities, I can’t help but feel that some things manage to slip through the cracks. But why? Why me? Why did they go into my parents room and leave me alone in my bed? Were they trying to tell me something? I shudder to think of why they did what they did, or even if the whole event had any realism at all attached to it.

I never had another Night terror like that again. But to this day, I still cannot sleep in pure darkness. I have to have a TV on or something to light up the room. Call me a coward if you want, but it terrifies me. Most nights are ok, I don’t have any problems. But some nights...some times...when I’m almost asleep and my back is turned...I swear to god, I can feel their horrible eyes on me.

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