Wednesday, 24 April 2013

No Hayter, No sale.

Hi there.

My name is Webz, and sometimes I get disgruntled about things, and when I get disgruntled about things, I like to form opinions about said things I am disgruntled about logically. LOGICALLY being the key word here. In my younger days when I was but a mere hatchling, I would go off on huge incoherent rants with no valid arguments and completely biased opinions. My opinions might still be biased for the most part, but hey, gotta start somewhere, at least they make sense now. (that statement comes from myself alone, by the way, which is technically ALSO biased...hmm.)

ANYHOO, welcome, stranger. In addition to posting my opinions on things that have disgruntled my feelings, I will also be using this blog to post about video games, comic book, and whole assortment of that fun stuff. So check back every once in a while if you like that kind of stuff, or me. And if you don't like me, then don't come back I guess, theoretical asshole.

Today's post will fall into the former category, the one about me being disgruntled, that is. 

As a lot of people already know, (and seriously, you should already know, if you don't, there is this great thing called the internet I need to introduce you too.) Metal Gear Solid V will NOT have David Hayter playing the voice of Snake for the North American version of the game. And yes, this is a big deal.

First of all, for, out there who are constantly telling angry and riled up to "Calm down", and "It's not THAT big of a deal"; stahp. That doesn't work, and its never going to work. and let me explain why.

If you are one of the aforementioned people, you CAN'T comment, if you are not a long term fan. Meaning if you've played MGS3 & 4, you can't give a valid opinion on this. 
If you haven't played MGS at ALL, you can't give an opinion. If you've played each of the games halfway through and then put them down, because you are sone kind of psycho who can just DO that, you can't give an opinion.

If you are a long time fan of the series, and you aren't upset about this, YOU'RE FUCKING CRAZY thats fine. If for some reason this really doesn't bother you at all, great. Buy MGSV, have a great time. Don't tell us riled uppers to settle down, because believe it or not, most of us REALLY care about this.

Let me explain, your take a game that i've been playing since before I should have been playing it, and you give the main character a voice. Not just a "voice", however, a very iconic, recognizable voice, that few people can imitate flawlessly, and that voice fits the character SO well, that they bond. That voice BELONGS to that character. thats just how it is. When one voice fit one character SO well like that, it just happens.

Many, many games continue to come out over the years, all with the same character, and the same voice. Each game is a masterpiece in its own right (some will debate this, I assume), and every game has a huge amount of character development for our hero.

Then they show the trailer for the next game, and The voice actors name for the iconic character is no where to be seen, and upon further questioning, it is announced by the creators that he is NOT going to be the voice for the character you have invested countless hours into. 

What the hell, Hideo, seriously man.

Now, I wouldn't even be this upset if it was some sort of money issue, or a time issue where Hayter just didn't have the time, but its not that. Not even close. In fact, Hayter WANTED to be the voice for Snake when the game was announced. And He HIMSELF contacted Konami to ask if he was needed. Thats right, the VOICE actor, the extremely busy screen writer David Hayter, took time out of his schedule to seek contact THEM and ask if he could be the voice of snake. and you Know what they said? Nope.

They said that "He wouldn't be needed on this one", and left it at that. He didn't receive any other details other than he would not be hired for this game.

Again, what the hell Hideo.

if you don't believe me, here is the link to David's statement on the issue.

Notice how he goes on to say that he is very emotional about the subject.

Anyways, to my main point, I myself, who have played and beaten every Metal Gear Solid game that I have had access to, (I haven't played the ones for the PSP because...ew, PSP) will not be buying MGSV, and I mean that. They don't realize this, but this is actually a HUGE slap in the face to David Hayter, and the loyal fan base of Metal Gear Solid, and I sirs, will not be slapped in the face, and then buy the product.

I'm serious. Sure, its Kojima's game. But when you're talking about english voice overs, I'm sorry, but its Hayter's character, and you can't just do that to the fans, and expect us to be hunkey dorey with it. Jerks.

I'm not going to ask everyone to NOT buy MGSV, because thats ridiculous. But if you feel as passionately as I do about it, well there is only one way to make our bitching mean something to them. Sales. Its all about money friends, and if they see that they're sales are FAR below what they should be, they'll get the fucking message.

Thats my contribution to the issue. well that, and writing this, and the former is what will get the attention. I know several people who are going to do the same thing, and feel that this is a pretty widespread feeling. So friends, this is how we get heard. 

It's not too late though, they could still correct this horrible mistake. Maybe an enormous amount of bitching will finally change their minds, and if thats the case, this should cover my own amount and then some. Hopefully we hear some good news, but until then, this issue is just another string in the web.